This league is intended for coworkers, church groups, adults who’ve been away from the game for a while and friends/family who want to be active together.

Teams may not include players who’ve played high school (Varsity) or collegiate (Varsity) soccer in the last 7 years.

Season includes 7 regular season games and a Tournament night.

Game Dates: Jan 20, 27; Feb 3, 10, 17, 24; Mar 3, 10
Game Start Times:  Between 5:00p and 11:00p
Team Registration: $690 + processing fee
Individual/House Team Registration: $75 + processing fee

2024-25 Reg Deadline is Jan. 17.

Games for the Adult Beginner league will be primarily played on Monday and Wednesday; however, there are instances when games must be scheduled on a different day.  Game times will always vary from week to week.

This league is intended for adults seeking a high level of competition.

Season includes 7 regular season games and a Tournament night.

Game Dates: Jan 21, 28; Feb 4, 11, 18, 25; Mar 4, 11
Game Start Times:  Between 6:30p and 11:00p
Team Registration: $690 + processing fee
Individual/House Team Registration: $75 + processing fee

2024-25 Reg Deadline is Jan. 17.

Games for the Tuesday Adult Competitive league will be primarily played on Tuesday; however, there are instances when games must be scheduled on a different day.  Game times will always vary from week to week.

This league is intended for adults seeking a high level of competition.

Season includes 7 regular season games and a Tournament night.

Game Dates: Jan 23, 30; Feb 6, 13, 10, 27; Mar 6, 13
Game Start Times:  Between 6:30p and 11:00p
Team Registration: $690 + processing fee

2024-25 Reg Deadline is Jan. 17.

Games for the Thursday Adult Competitive league will be primarily played on Thursday; however, there are instances when games must be scheduled on a different day.  Game times will always vary from week to week.